Dustbowl Chic- Local and Live

Dustbowl Chic blend their own special mix of rustic folk, rock and country, playing original, new and used tunes with general glee across the Fleurieu. Dustbowl Chic are eminently local to the south, playing many events and venues including …

Clink@Tintara – Fig Gigs – Summer 2022

ChiliFest Willunga 2019-2020-2021-2022


Fleurieu Beer Festival 2021

Fleurieu Folk Festival 2018 & 2019 – including winning the inaugural 2019 Busking Competition!

South Coast Brewery

Russell’s Pizza

Harvest the Fleurieu – Season launch 2019

McLaren Vale Christmas Pageant Celebration

Tour Willunga TDU 2019

Cinemallunga – 2015-2022

The Willunga Farmer’s Market and Willmark Awards 2018

Willunga Almond Blossom Festival and Parade 2017/18/19

McLaren Vale Harvest Festival

The Willunga High Street Tour Down Under Party

Willunga Waldorf School fairs and events

The Spring Fling In Willunga

The Brighton Rugby League Club

The Alma Hotel

Shifty Lizard Taphouse

Sails at Clayton Bay

Willunga RSL

Whitefeather Red Winery


and their fair share of sheds,

shanties and backyard shindigs.